Clay had this GREAT idea. "Let's call the Dorrances and go down to IBEX and show them all the cool stuff we do down there. The weather will be great." We thought we would buy the best cheese curds in Delta, show them the lake bed & play games,

go to the sand hill, search for fossils, and go to a mine shaft, among other things.

And so we went. We got down past Delta and it wasn't getting any warmer than Salt Lake (38 degrees). It wouldn't have been so bad but the wind chill factor, I swear, put it at -20.

Some of us had more fun than others. (This is Jonah who, right after this picture, puked up a bunch of sand & stuff from rolling all the way down the hill. Hayden, being "the Man" held back the barf. Bravo!) The Dorrance's were troopers, especially Dad Dorrance (who had to save Nate from himself).

If nothing else, it was some quality time with all NINE of the kids strapped in their seat belts for a few hours while "Top Gun" was playing in the Dorrance-mobile and Armageddon was being PLAYED-OUT in the Watson-mobile!
I think we were all relieved when we were sitting in the Five Guys burgers & fries in Salt Lake (because the In-N-Out line was WAY too huge!).