Saturday, June 21, 2008

Clay the gimp

Since Clay broke his ankle (Talar Dome fracture) climbing, he has to find something else to do. He can't climb, run, bike, swim, or anything basically requiring him to stand or walk without an enormous walking cast boot. We went to Timpanokee and "hiked" up a trail for about 100 feet before Clay had to sit down and "ice" his ankle in the stream. Anyone who knows Clay knows this little two-month set-back is KILLING him - I mean, the reason we live where we do is in large part because of his obsession with climbing. He calls this his "summer of my discontent". I call this "My summer of doing things my way". He may actually get some painting and some work done!

Don't get me wrong, the guy knows how to work hard, but he sure likes playing hard more. And, like the kid that he is, he likes to play first and work later. I keep telling him we need to rent a beach house and sit around, which is what you're supposed to do when you rent a beach house. He says it would kill him not to be able to play in the surf. This will be an interesting few weeks. I'll probably make him try yoga before he starts getting too stir crazy...


Jess said...

No SWIMMING?! Bummer. Yoga seems like it could be a bit treacherous, what with all the falling over :) Or is that just me?

rosanne said...

I don't know...I just think it would be good for his karma!

Jill Taylor said...

Poor Clay! That really is a bummer and must be really hard for him.

Teresa said...

Your blog is so hilarious. I've been complaining about a splint on one finger that I can remove and use my finger anytime I get annoyed so I guess I don't have it so bad... Poor Clay!! The picture of him climbing anyway is so awesome! I hope I'm still as cool as you guys are when I reach your age! Okay, I'm 33 now so I was just kidding. And I'm no where near that cool now so really it's just depressing because I gave up rock climbing and became a wuss before I EVEN got married so I think it's so awesome you guys can still "play hard" and keep doing all the things that you loved to do pre-babies. So many people, like me, give up so much of who they were or what they love once they get busy with a family. So you've inspired me. Tennis anyone?