Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Can you ever have too much love? I think not...

So, the kids all gave Dad what they wanted him to have for Father's Day, inlcuding Lego Star Wars stuff from Will and Peter (which were quickly abducted as soon as Dad put them together).

Lucy helped wrap a much-needed razor, which she gave him announcing to all of us that "I'm giving him the biggest present because I love him the most!".

Lucy may just love him the most because she worked hard for weeks perfecting the "Star Wars Theme" on the piano to play for him. She tells Dad that he is her best friend all the time. She never tells me that. I am so glad that all the kids feel that their dad is their best friend. I'm okay being mean mom who makes them clean their rooms and pick up their toys. Clay, you ARE a great dad...and don't ever let me tell you otherwise!:)

We went to my brother's house to celebrate the evening with my father. I'm so glad the twins broke him in to holding babies. I don't think he was much into enjoing babies before he was forced into it with them, seeing as how another set of hands was always needed when they were little. Thanks, Dad, for everything! I love you!

And a big "shout out" to Ralph in Georgia, too. We love and miss you and Grandma Watson!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Love that first photo... so cute.