Monday, July 28, 2008

Funnest Race EVER!

So, after all the races I've done over the years, this was totally the FUNNEST RACE EVER! I don't know if it was because of the fact that (A) Clay and I hadn't had more than 3 hours without our children in years, or (B) that I had such cool friends doing it with me, or (C) that we got to have quazi-adult conversation with Jess and Dan on the trip, or (D) that I actually didn't want to puke the entire time but actually was relaxed and enjoyed the race that made it so fun. All I know is that I totally want to recruit the rest of our ward to head to Burley, ID next year to have as much fun as we did! This was my first Olympic length race, if I can actually count it since the swim was down-stream...AWESOME! I got in the Snake river water in my full-body wetsuit and could have floated down on my back if I wanted. 18 minutes later (1 mile swim) I got out on my bike and headed out to the fields for a 25 mile bike ride. Average 22 mph later, I hopped off, stuck on my running shoes and hat and headed out for a 6-mile run. I was excited to pull off an 8-minute mile. My time was a respectable 2 hours, 22 minutes. I think most of us said after the fact that we could have kept going. It was great weather, great friends, and it was so fun to have Clay there for the first time. Although, I just can't take him anywhere. He bumped into I swear a dozen people he hasn't seen in ages. That's my redhead for ya...once you know Clay, you don't forget him. Me, on the other hand, am utterly forgetable, which I'm okay with. I'm all for blending into the woodwork. (Jeana, I might add, is the same way...bumping into old friends everytime I'm with her!) To the right is Liz Ward and Jeana Kennon and me. We're the 5-foot-10 club.
Way to go to the rest of us...Jess, Suzanne, and Nannette! Spudman '09 here we come! Maybe some of our husbands will suck it up and join us by then!


Jess said...

"Utterly forgettable..." I don't think anyone reading this is buying that Rosanne!

You are such a great athlete. I feel privileged to know you after you pulled off that performance on your first Olympic distance race!

We enjoyed road tripping with you guys too, and although at times it would be a stretch to call the conversation "adult" (Dan's crass humor can be blamed) it was great to visit. Like I said... once Dan knows he has an audience for it (Clay) there is no stopping him!

Thanks again for everything :)

Suzanne said...

That triathlon will definately be hard to beat and one I will never forget. I am so glad we all got in this year and hope and pray we get in next year, and the year after that... Great job on your time!!!

Bonnie said...

You guys ROCK!

Liz Ward said...

We should be in an ad for Zoot clothing! We look kind of cute in our red, yellow and blue!

rosanne said...

I noticed that! I always feel that great minds think alike!

Kristi said...

You guys are all nuts but I love just getting to pretend that I can do these anywhere near your level. I am so in for next year. And I am way excited for the Iron Girl Race in May. I have 10 months to prepare HA HA. We will see how long I put that pesky training off.
You Rock

Jan said...

Once again - I want to be Rosie. WAY TO GO!! You are so awesome. After you guys left the other night, JT said, "Man, Rosie is ripped!" Utterly forgettable indeed.
