Monday, August 18, 2008

Slackline-in' it!

Anyone have a hankerin' for a good time? Come down to our house and we'll pull out our newly purchased slackline Clay bought when he went to the Outdoor Retailers Show. Pretty fun, and I'm assuming you can actually figure it out after a while. I have a feeling the whole key to it is a low center of Nate is our best slackliner so far.
Lucy was pretty good, too. Will and Pete didn't get it and gave up easily. I wish we had some pictures of Clay flailing. Our slackline had too much slack for our first attempt. And besides, our little tree was screaming "NO MORE TRAUMA!!!" *Julie Osborne stopped and asked if we were trying to pull the little tree out!)

Clay talked me into trying some crazy hand and foot pose, and well, this is the result. Let us know if you have a couple trees big enough so we can bring our slackline and take pictures of you looking oh so coordinated too!


Jess said...

I think I may be able to accommodate you on that one! I haven't put my little slack line up in a while... Yours looks much cooler :)

Jan said...

I wish we could have found a place to put it up the other night. But then I would have had to compete with you - and no one can look as cool as you - even when falling. :-)

Jan said...

I especially love the frame that the video shows before you click on play. :-)

Dena said...

wow I never heard of a slack line but looks fun wonder if I could basicly hook one up to the hict on both my trucks?? MMM what a thought have to ask McKay looks like a blast!!