Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ode to the ski boat
Westwater HO!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Who wants to be my new best friend?
After searching on the web for a couple weeks, we found a '97 Ski Brendella for a good price and low-balled them for even less. It had been in storage for five years and they were ready to dump it. We finally took it out last Wednesday after quite a bit of work done on it (Thanks, Martin and Clay). We left the kids at Grandmas and took the older nieces and nephews out for a chilly evening at Pineview reservoir. Anyone have cute sisters/cousins/friends for cool California surfer guys/gal? The Stange's rock!
Lauren just got her braces off (finally!)...good thing after getting jostled around on the "Lift Off".
Clay took the wheel and Riley and I got on the "Lift Off". Now we know why it is called the "Lift Off". It was a great ride until we caught, I swear, 20 feet of air and poor 10-year-old Riley got the wind knocked out of her on the return trip to earth. She vowed never to get on it again. I hope she will change her mind. Clay felt horrible about it! While we were on the thing, Riley muttered to me "You married the most horrible man!" It was funny, but I hope she doesn't hold it against Clay for too long and will give it another try.
I actually had a chance to waterski for the first time in 10 years. It was awesome, although the water was choppy and cold. It took five tries, but I did it and it was glorious!
Andrew even gave the kneeboard a try.
Good times! I've heard a few different things since I bought the boat. Clay's favorite is "The two best days of owning a boat are the day you buy it and the day you sell it." I hope that isn't true. Another is "A boat is a hole that you throw money into." Well, I think that is already true. Another is "You know what's better than owning a boat? Having a friend who owns a boat." I hope that's true and that ya'll will come and have fun with us! I think I've got a good bribe for ya'll to hang out with our crazy family! (And I promise not to let Clay drive if you don't want him to!)