Tuesday, September 30, 2008


If you didn't know, we have a little devil living with us (with flames out of his head and everything). Some of you may be wondering why I would shave off all the beautiful red and brown hair of my boys...Well, Peter and Will wanted to cut up a box (just like Jason)...so I gave them some of those kid scissors...you know, the kind without the sharp edges that can hardly cut paper they are so blunt...
Peter figured out they cut HAIR just fine.
Will: "But Peter DID it."
Mom: "Why did you LET him?"
Will: "I dunno."
I wanted to scream, cry, and pull out my own hair.
But, I didn't. Instead I took out the camera and then my new Costco clippers. I'm trying to learn from my friends that I need to laugh more and anger less. It was a good day, in spite of it all. I am just so grateful Lucy was at school during the hair cutting massacre. And of course, school pictures are NEXT week.


Bonnie said...

I LOVE these pictures!! They just make me giggle! LIfe with little boys is really something, isn't it?!? The good thing about having school pictures now is that you can always look and remember the funny things (Oh, that's the year you cut off all your hair!!)
I LOVE your kids. I LOVE their energy and enthusiasm for life!

Teresa said...

It's always so much funnier when someone else's kids do it! I love that you took pictures of it and didn't try to hide it with a ridiculous comb over job. You're pretty good with those clippers. Braeden's in desperate need of a haircut (gone from pumpkin shaped head to egg shaped) but I don't dare yet. But since you make it seem so easy... Maybe you should send Peter over first to give me the justification so Christian won't kill me if I suck at it!

Jill Taylor said...

I am so sorry the cardboard house making turned into a day full of haircuts. I'm sure I would have been much more angry than you. The boys do look cute though!

rosanne said...

You DO know that I blame this ALL on you, Jill!:) I guess maybe if I would have helped them like you did for Jason, none of this would have happened! Okay, maybe it was my fault after all!

Jess said...

I LOVE your kids, too! They do look adorable with their buzz cuts too. You did dodge the bullet with Lucy for sure :)

Anonymous said...

hahah. I remember one year Karl decided he liked to cut hair too and he ended up cutting it so short, my mom had to buzz him almost bald. That sunday in sunbeams they learned about the 5 senses and they came home with big paper ears headbands. I still laugh at pictures of him with his bald and HUGE ears.

Audrey and the Boys said...

I just saw your blog linked on Jan's. How are you? It is so fun to see photos of your kids. Four! WOW! That is amazing! They are gorgeous and even though they cut off their hair it is still beautiful! My blog is audreyandscott.blogspot.com. It will be fun to keep in touch!

Jan said...

Oh! Good job on not going crazy! I have been so much happier the more I have let go of stuff. AND I honestly think they look great!

Kristi said...

The boys look awesome with their buzz cuts. They are lucky they are still alive - good job on remaining calm. I don't think I could have done that. When it happens to my boys (not if but when) I will send them down to you and you can buzz them for me :-)