Thursday, September 18, 2008


Tuesday night Clay went up to my sister's house in Centerville to work on the boat trailer brakes with my bro-in-law Martin. I heard Clay walk in the door so I went down stairs to see houw it went when I saw sitting on my counter in a glass bottle a HUGE tarantula. They live on the hillside and I guess they come out in droves at night this time of year. I seriously thought I would crap in my pants. Earlier in the day I had killed a black widow spider my boys were playing with so needless to say I was a little out of sorts when it comes to creapy spiders that would kill my kids. The next morning my kids were so excited and Clay thought Lucy could take it to school. I reluctantly called her teacher, and to my surprise she said she could. (Anything to get it out of the house!) Lucy was the "cool" kid for the day. I was so proud she didn't break the glass jar!

Sweet Lucy tried to make "Spooky" comfortable and so she stuffed a bunch of leaves and grass through the hole in the top of the jar to make it a bed. Too bad the spider didn't want to have anything to do with the greenery so the poor thing was stuck on the side of the jar all night. It kept slipping down into the forest below and then inching its way back up out of the mess. My neighbor totally gave me a guilt trip about not letting it die. She's an animal lover and used to have a tarantula for a pet. I didn't know they lived on crickets and I wasn't about to go out and BUY some crickets so it could live on my counter. As noisy as the crickets have been lately at night here I almost wanted to let it loose in my backyard, if only it wouldn't kill Nathan if given the chance! (I did find a praying mantis on my window today and I guess they eat crickets too, yea!)

I made Clay take it back into the wilderness to live another day. I guess it's time to call the exterminator.


Jess said...

Oh man... that is super gross. I couldn't have that thing in my house! I've said it before and I will say it again: You are much cooler than I am! :)

Kristi said...

If you need a good bug guy we have one.... :-) I can't believe you had one of those alive in your house.... scary!

Jill Taylor said...

I'm seriously freaked out just looking at that picture! I am terrified of spiders and we have killed 3 black widows in the past few weeks. Spiders are the only part of fall I don't like. Thank goodness you sent that thing away!

Teresa said...

Yikes! Scary! I grew up in Texas next to a huge forest and we had snakes, scorpions and tarantulas around constantly. We even found a tarantula in our house one day crawling up the wall! So I'm deathly afraid of spiders. Unfortunately, Christian hates that I'm trying to get our kids to hate spiders too but Braeden loves bugs and picks them up and lets them crawl all over him. Ugh... I had no idea they lived in Utah and I didn't know black widow spiders lived here either! Thanks for making me extra paranoid now! :)

kennoncrew said...

ok, so i didn't think that tarantulas were particularly dangerous--gross, yes. so i looked it up and they don't usually bite and the reaction is usually not bad, so don't give clay to hard a time, but dont let him bring it over to my house either! black widows on the other hand...are scary! (and dangerous for the little ones)

rosanne said...

They may not be "particularly dangerous" but the freak-out heart-attack factor is dangerous enough for me!